Looking For Pest Control Advice? Try These Tips!
Total visits: 214
Posted on: 07/25/22
Have you ever had to call the exterminator to take care of a pest problem in your home? How happy were you when you got the bill from them? You do not need to shell out all that cash to eliminate the pests from your home. Below, you will find free tips on how to get rid of the pests for good.
Never step on a cockroach to kill it. When you step on it, it can release its egg sac. The eggs can then be transferred from the bottom of your shoes throughout the carpets and rugs in your home. The eggs survive in your carpet until they are ready to hatch, leaving you with a much bigger roach problem.
If you notice that there are mice lurking around the house, set up a mouse trap. Peanut butter is the best thing that you can use to lure the mice in, as this will help to catch them. Try to place many of these around the house to increase your chances of catching it.
A perimeter spray will discourage pests from getting too close to your home. Windows, doors, foundations and steps should all be treated with the product. While youre doing this, look for crevices and crack that could allow pests entry to your home. Use a caulk or sealer to plug these small areas off.
Make sure that your screens are fully functional at all times. Screens will also keep most crawling bugs out of your home. If there are holes in your homes screens, repair or replace them.
Are you able to see through the bottom of your homes doors? If so, this means pests have an easy way to enter your home. In order to eliminate this issue, you need to fix the height of the door. You could also just add a weather strip seal to your doors.
If there are cracks and crevices around your house, be sure they are sealed as quickly as possible. These are one of the most common entry points for bugs into a home. They fit between even the tiniest cracks. Seal these cracks and place some orange oil or poison to keep the pest away.
If you want to keep aphids from bothering your kitchen or any other indoor area, steal a gardening trick. Plant and grow chives or nasturiums indoors in pots or containers. Both of these plants are very successful in keeping aphids from injuring nearby plants, so also work to keep these little flies from bothering you indoors too.
Store flour, cereals, sugar, and other dry goods in sealed plastic, glass, or metal containers. This prevents invasions of pantry moths, weevils, ants, and even mice in your kitchen. Do not count on cardboard or other flimsy packaging to keep pests out. Mice can chew through them, and insects can penetrate tiny openings.
If you are being bothered with mice and rats, it is time to set traps. Most rodents are attracted to peanut butter. Take a small bit of peanut butter and roll it into a tiny ball and place it on a mouse trap to tantalize rodents with the scent.
To ensure ants dont move into your home, mix 1c sugar and 1c borax in a 1 quart jar. Hammer holes into the lid with a nail and then use the jar to spread the mixture around your foundation, doors, windows and the baseboards on the inside, too. The sugar attracts ants while the Borax kills them.
Now you should see just how easily you can reclaim your home from those pests. It is not going to cost you nearly what it would to pay someone to come out and set a few traps. Set your own traps and capture your own pests without paying for it for the next month.