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Quit Smoking Once and For All

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Total visits: 214
Posted on: 08/24/22

For whatever reason, you have decided to quit smoking, and that is one of the hardest steps to take when it is time to give it away. However, where do you go from here? There are a lot of things you need to know when you are quitting smoking, and this article will share them with you.

When aiming to kick the smoking habit for good, you should always believe that you can do it. Think about all the incredible things you have accomplished in your life so far. This will help you realize you have the strength to overcome this addiction. Having faith in yourself is not only important for quitting smoking, but its also important for overall success in your life.

When you smoke, you sometimes are just obsessed with the feeling of having something in your mouth. This can be replaced with a less dangerous habit such as chewing gum or eating candy. Anytime you feel like smoking, just have a piece of hard candy or chew a stick of gum.

Keep a cold glass or bottle of ice water nearby at all times. When you get a craving for a cigarette, take a sip of water--even if this means you hardly put the bottle down at first. This gives you something to do with your hands and mouth, and it can be a useful way to prevent snacking, too.

If you smoke as a way to control stress, youll want to have other stress remediation techniques ready when you decide to quit. Keep yourself out of situations that may stress you out for the first few weeks after youve quit. You can also manage your stress through yoga, meditation or by getting a massage.

Make sure you treat yourself as if you are a smoking addict. Never let yourself take a single puff. This one puff may seem harmless, but it can actually reignite your inner need for cigarettes. No matter how long you have remained smoke free, you should keep yourself from ever taking "just" a casual puff.

It is extremely important that you talk to a doctor prior to quitting smoking. This person can provide you some advice on your best methods of quitting. In addition, he or she can provide you some additional support on your journey. Both of these things greatly increase your chances of quitting for good.


Starting an exercise regimen is a great way to support yourself when youre trying to quit smoking. Under the advice of a doctor, ease yourself into the regimen, especially if youve been a heavy smoking for many years. The exercise will help you not only repair some of the damage smoking has done to your body, but is also a great stress reliever as well.

If you are worried about gaining weight as you begin to quit, then you should try to incorporate a moderate exercise regimen into your daily routine to help curb any weight gain that you might experience. Exercise is the best way to prevent any weight gain from your quitting.

Believe it or not, exercise can be the key you need to quitting smoking. Usually, many people smoke because they feel overwhelmed or stressed out. When they feel stressed, they turn to cigarettes for support. Cigarettes can be replaced by exercise. Also, exercise is good for a persons overall health.

Dont expect to quit smoking overnight. The day you decide to stop smoking will be the best day of your life, but there will be ramifications to your body and your emotional state for the next few weeks. However, with some patience and a one-day-at-a-time attitude, you will succeed, and you will soon be celebrating your smoke free status.

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